Dependency Management – the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Dependencies are an epidemic in software development. And the reality is, dependencies are not going to go away. As you scale your Agile efforts, your dependencies scale as well. Therefore, instead of just managing them, the solution to ruthlessly mitigating dependencies lies in empowering people and enabling flow.

Got ugly dependencies? Read on to find out how to apply both the agile mindset and actionable items to progress from ugly to good dependency mitigation. We’ll explain actionable strategies you can use to move your teams from managing dependencies to mitigating dependencies.

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Defining, Refining, and Selling Your MVP in the Market

What exactly is the MVP and what is the best path to reach this state?  It is vital to define your MVP as early in the process as possible, but constantly refining it will be pivotal.  Let us dig a bit deeper into exactly what the MVP is all about, how to attain it, and also how to sell it once complete.

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Business Agility, Agile Engineering, Frameworks Fred Mastropasqua Business Agility, Agile Engineering, Frameworks Fred Mastropasqua

An easy way to Automate your UI Testing without the programming skill

Scrum isn't easy, but it's effective. One of the things that teams struggle with is a way to automate their testing and learning techniques like Test-Drive Development or Behaviour-Driven Development.  Both which can be implemented in both the back-end and the front-end code.

One team, I work with also automates the UI testing. One tool they use and they include as part of their Definition of Done for each feature is building a test automation using...

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Xamarin Fix: "Xcode license must be accepted in order to be connected..." Issue

I just recently updated my Mac to Sierra and Xcode 8.2.1 and right away had issues connecting to the Mac using the Xamarin Mac Agent from my Windows PC.  I made sure that the versions of Xamarin on the Mac and Visual Studio on the PC were the same version but kept getting the error "Xcode license must be accepted in order to be connected and working against the Mac"

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Agile Engineering Fred Mastropasqua Agile Engineering Fred Mastropasqua

Another Real World BDD Example (#2)

This is my second real world BDD examples that we use here at Clearly Agile. I've been given permission to share this piece of code from the client.

In this example, we have a scenario where a user can create something called a "Project" and it has to have a correct "Open Date". Which is when the Project is complete.

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Agile Engineering Fred Mastropasqua Agile Engineering Fred Mastropasqua

You Might Be an Amateur Programmer and Not Even Know It

The Professionals are organized, communicate regularly, and go above and beyond, Amateurs do not. Now, the term "Amateur" here sounds condescending, but it's not meant to be. It is a state based in two orders: the persons' mindset, and secondly, what they physically can or cannot do. This concept also extends to programming, where we encounter the two types: Amateurs and Professionals.

In addition to the Amateur and the Professional types, there is a third type, verbosely named 'the Amateur Who is Called a Professional'. This third type has four subsets that are worth mentioning.

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